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Language peer sets for IP Pascal:
United States
United States/1990
Designed 1990
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War
Genus Pascals
Wirth Algols
Generation of Algol 60
Wirth Algols/1990
Generation of Algol 60/1990
Pascals/United States
Wirth Algols/United States
Generation of Algol 60/United States

IP Pascal(ID:6942/)

Pascal with modern language features 

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1990
Genus: Pascals
Sammet category: Multi-purpose

Moore CAD High performance pascal system

"The IP Pascal implementation started as a ISO 7185 compliant compiler in 1980. In the early 1990s, I embarked on a program to update both the compiler and the language it compiles for more modern projects. I wanted IP Pascal to be more than just another runaway train wreck of a language that used Pascal as the base language. Too many Pascals out there are an amalgamation of Pascal, Basic and C/C++. What I wanted was a Pascal as Wirth would have designed it, if he had wanted to extend Pascal. For my guide, I have used the Oberon language extensively. IP Pascal is literally what Oberon might have been if it had been made compatible with Pascal."

Related languages
Oberon IP Pascal   Implementation
Pascal IP Pascal   Augmentation of

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